New Jeff Geerling video- "How efficient can I build the 100% ARM NAS?"

Did you see that Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy) posted a new video? This is the part one of him building a NAS using an Ampere Altra Processor.

What I find so fascinating about what he does is that a lot of the projects are in their early production stages, so they might not be quite ready for the general public. But he is able to get a wide variety of communities to come together and help out. Which is about the only way these things can come together when there are about 20 people in the world that have the specific knowledge needed and they are all willing to help out.

So to see how some this came together, go and check out his Twitter feed and GitHub. And then follow/check out some of the people who asked and answered questions. Fortunately, we have a couple of them here too. Rebecca Cran (@bexcran), @Manawyrm, Joe Speed (@JoeSpeed), people from a number of different Linux distros, CloudBase, etc. etc. It is fun to be at the beginning of something… :slight_smile:


Yes, I love it when the community helps to bootstrap such a project. :hugs:
Kudos, folks!


And software-side is where I’m hoping we can knock out some bugs and docs issues here and there too!

Arm64 in production for use cases outside cloud environments and SBCs are still in their infancy, I think… but I really do hope that changes. Would love to see more availability of desktop/server motherboards for custom builds, and maybe someday an M-series or Qualcomm-equivalent core in a desktop or HEDT class chip, something with fewer than 32 cores!

But I’m having a bit of fun with this system… just completed a ton of power testing. Ordered some more RAM sticks for even more testing too :slight_smile:


Low cores amount desktop motherboards… This is something I was waiting for years.

Since AArch64 work started in 2012 it was “when I can replace my x86-64 desktop with something aarch64 based”.

APM Mustang was not it - no usb3, one PCIe x8 slot.

Synquacker? Hello no - 24 A53 cores made it sluggish.

Honeycomb? Firmware issues, hardware issues.

Gave up long time ago. Will stay with x86-64 desktop for long.