Name: Dylan Green
Title/Job Description: Software Engineer/Devops Engineer
Company: Obsidian Systems
Location/Country: St.Louis, MO, USA
First AArch64 device: Some old Android phone, then a RPi 3 B (I think)
Twitter Handle: @cidkidnix
Other Social Media: Github
I mostly reside in the Nix/NixOS ecosystem along with programming in Haskell!
Currently I drive an x86_64 computer, though I’ll be switch over to an ARM-based desktop here soon enough. Used to run a honeycomb lx2k daily, though it wasn’t a great experience. Recently acquired an ADLINK Ampere Board which is what will be my main desktop in the coming weeks (maybe months).
I’ve been slowly pushing for desktop-level aarch64-linux support at the place I currently work at. Luckily we did a somewhat-rewrite of our build path recently so now aarch64-linux is almost completely supported! Though not a company-supported architecture
Slowly moving towards doing Firmware/EDK2 development, though I haven’t found the time recently to toy with it a ton.