Intro - Pete Logan

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Name: Pete Logan
Title/Job Description: Principal Field Engineer EMEA
Company: Ampere Computing
Location/Country: Yorkshire, UK
First AArch64 device: Strictly a Raspberry Pi3. Loosely, an Acorn Electron
Twitter Handle: @PeteL0gan
Favorite Book/Movie/Song/TV Show: Book - Look to Windward by Iain M Banks, huge. The Humans by Matt Haig gets a look in too. Film - Brazil. Terrry Gilliam and Tom Stoppard take 1984 and then go bonkers.

I occasionally develop, mainly in languages beginning with P. I’ve played about with all sorts of interesting things; Protein folding on large compute clusters, Flight safety webapps, LoRa enabled flight instruments…
You can occasionally find me floating about underneath clouds usually over England or the Alps…


Hello Pete :wave:

Protein folding on clusters reminds me of the beginnings of Covid…
I have only briefly tried LoRa, but loved it.
Nice that you started with Acorn Electron, you were gifted at that time in UK. :wink:

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It was the beginnings of COVID. I restarted the F@H - Intel partnership which had been dormant, then scraped together several of the big clusters at Intel and got them running mainly GROMACS workloads.

Sinclair ZX80 & 81 too. Amazing at the time that the Electron could run Elite.

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Wow that is a cool picture…

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Grand Bornand in the French Alps last summer. Just relaxing at 7000 feet :smiley: