my beloved HR330A eMAG is reporting memory failures MCA / ECC failures in node 5 so I will presumably need to replace some RAM now. Hardware also reports this as S0_C5_D01_Status or MCU5_DIMM0
Question is - does anybody know how to map node 5 to one of the many physical memory slots in this machine? There are 16 slots, so guessing and testing is not ideal.
Hi dch,
For my 350 the DIMM numbers are slikscreen on. Are you able to quickly check whether node 5 maps to DIMM 5? Or is the unit in a DC and you need to turn up and get it right first time?
I didn’t find anything in the manuals, nor inside, but it turns out the required information is on top of the case and I’d never noticed it - this attention to details is one of the reasons I love this piece of hardware. Thanks @vikingforties for the suggestion!