SlimSAS and OCuLink cable/adapter compatibility (ASRock Rack Altra boards)

I was wondering if anyone knows about how to find cables and adapters which are compatible with the SlimSAS (Slimline SAS) and OCuLink ports on the ASRock Rack ALTRAD8UD-1L2T and ALTRAD8UD2-1L2Q boards?

I purchased a 8i SlimSAS to U.2 cable ("DiLinker SlimSAS 8X to 2U.2 NVMe Adaptger, SFF-8654 74pin to 2SFF-8639 68pin cable with Power, 75CM (Broadcom MPN 05-60005-00, CBL-SAST-0953) but the Micron NVMe drive I have plugged into it only shows up some of the time - I’m guessing because the link is marginal.

This is my first board with SlimSAS and OCuLink so I’m still learning about how it all works, if there are issues with impedance matching, cable length etc.

Is the Micron drive a Gen 4 NVMe drive? I’ve seen those be fussy before. You might need a cable that is designed for Gen 4 speeds.
You can try to force Gen 3 in the UEFI settings to see if that helps.

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