2024 conferences to submit to

I’m looking for conferences in NA for 2024. Anyone know of a good list? Focusing on Linux, ARM, Ansible and DevSecOps.

Any suggestions?

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I assume you know about the Qcon? I would think that you would be a good fit. The one SF just happened. Also, there is the configuration Management Camp that is tied to FOSDEM, so it is in Europe. Also I think that its cfp might have just passed.

Google Next’s cfp is still open: Google Cloud Next ’24 - Call for Session Proposals (CFP), although the event is the same time as DevNexus.

I need to update our list of events with the CfP’s, so while I will do that I will keep you in mind.

Also, I would love to hear what others have as suggestions.

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I generally use GitHub - scraly/developers-conferences-agenda: This repository list a maximum of tech conferences's date and CFP in order to help conferences organizers, speakers & attendees to find conferences.

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SCALE (LA area), FOSSDEM (Brussels), and the two Open Source Summits are usually on my radar.