ALTRAD8UD-1L2T: How to install safely OpenBMC Web UI and BIOS

I have this motherboard which is not stable. It has 2.7 OpenBMC and 2.06 BIOS with Altra 64 cores. I cleared the BIOS and now the OpenBMC Web UI doesn’t look to read properly the BIOS configuration.
I want to upgrade to 3.06 and make sure that I will not damage the motherboard. So I have few Questions:

  1. What is the deference between altrad8ud-1l2t_3.06.00.static.mtd.tar AND obmc-bios-altrad8ud-1l2t-3.06.all ?
    Base on the documentation the tar file is used to update the OpenBMC Web UI on the server. What the other file obmc-bios-altrad8ud-1l2t-3.06.all (has the bios.bin inside) do? It is updating the BMC firmware or updating the motherboard BIOS?

  2. Do I need to run both, first the tar file and then the bios.bin (what is the correct order)? Do they need to match so they can synchronized ?

  3. See the attached picture, this is the place to update the tar files as well the bios.bin files.

  4. Lastly, can I revert back to 2.07?

Thanks in advance for any assistance

I don’t know what the .all file is, but I’ve found from experience that it’s not the file you want to use.

The OpenBMC web interface only deals with the .tar files which contain a MANIFEST file which describes what component(s) it’s for. So both the BIOS and BMC firmware files will be in .tar format.

As far as I know there’s no rollback protection in OpenBMC, so you should be able to revert back to 2.07 if you upgrade to 3.06.

altrad8ud-1l2t_3.06.00.static.mtd.tar is BMC firmware
obmc-bios-altrad8ud-1l2t-3.06.all is BIOS firmware

it should upgrade BMC first, then upgrade BIOS firmware.

Suppose revert back to 2.07 is ok; but sometimes it might not work, then it needs to have factory reset in the BMC.
.all means the firmware will reset BIOS setting to default automatically.

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