Ampere Developer Summit- Teasers

Coming up on Thursday, September 26th is our first Ampere Developer Summit. We have guests from Oracle, ScyllaDB, Uber, Fermyon,, and Stackable. These are technical talks for technical people by technical people.

The event is designed to take you on a journey, starting off with what are Cloud Native processors and what workloads work best on them. Then moving to how AI runs better and cheaper in production (AI inference) than GPUs. And now that we have your attention, we will walk you through how to start your move to a Mixed-Architecture world.

The event is virtual and free!

Signup here

To give you a better idea of the topics, we have written a teaser for each of the talks.

  1. How do Ampere Cloud Native Processors Deliver High Performance and Efficiency
  2. What Workloads Shine on Ampere CPUs?
  3. Explore How Oracle and Wallaroo Optimize AI with Ampere CPUs
  4. Making the Change

If you have any questions, respond below.