Summit Speakers #1

As you know, Ampere Developers is hosting our first Virtual Developer Summit on September 26th and I thought that I would take some time here and introduce our speakers. (Check out @dneary 's longer review of event here. BTW you can still sign up.

First up:

Why Consider Ampere’s Cloud Native Processors (CNP)?
So, what is a ‘Cloud Native Processor’? Simply put it is a chip that was designed to work in a modern data center. As Ampere was being created, we had the opportunity to look at what type of processors data centers would need going forward. Things like high performance, high core counts (no SMT and the security risks it brings), and efficiency (high performance, less energy usage) were paramount and since we were creating, we were not burden with technical debt of an architecture that is designed for a different time.

Sean Varley, Chief Evangelist at Ampere will dive into what makes a Cloud Native Processor different from the previous generations of inefficient CPUs. He will be joined by Kate Goldenring, Senior Developer from Fermyon, talking about how Ampere’s CNPs, with their high core density and low power usage make them an ideal match for WASM-based functions on Kubernetes.

Sean’s other guest is Dor Laor, CEO and Co-Founder of ScyllaDB will be talking about how CNPs give distributed cloud native databases the high-performance and predictability they need to give low-latency responses and high throughput that they need.

Additional information-
Kate Goldenring has spoken at many locations, including DevOpsDays Seattle. You can follow her on Twitter, GitHub, and LinkedIn. In November, she will be speaking at WASMCON on Nov 12th as part of KubeCon.

Dor Laor is the CEO and Founder of ScyllaDB. He has spoken at many events and you can find him on Twitter, and LinkedIn.

SpinKube is an open source project that provides the tools needed to execute WebAssembly in your K8s cluster. Fermyon, Microsoft, Liquid Reply, and SUSE are sum of the biggest supporters SpinKube, which earlier this year was submitted to the CNCF as a Sandbox project. To see their announcement at KubeCon Europe of Spin check it out here.

And the same group spoke with us at the Developer Impact two months ago.