Ampere One / OCI-A2 Benchmark results

Thought it makes sense to have a thread for collective benchmark results on OCI-A2 or bare metal Ampere One.
Maybe someone can share GeekBench etc. ?

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I ran Geekbench a while ago. Here’s mine for a 64 core, 128GB RAM setup. ALTRAD8UD-1L2T - Geekbench

The link is for Altra with Neoverse N1 cores not the AmpereOne custom cores.

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Oh, I didn’t realize that. I don’t have access to an Ampere One system but I wish I did.

I found this article of Altra vs One benchmarks. Doesn’t show all cores but a good amount, seems good.

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Hey, I have the same setup like you, but the all-core score is pretty high. I use all 8 memory channels.