As I mentioned in a comment on the original post that we were applying for a track about FOSSY, our submission was accepted!!!
While this is exciting and awesome that we are the only track that is talking about hardware among the 15 tracks accepted, it does mean that the difficult part is beginning, namely the planning and execution of the track.
We need help in just about every aspect of planning an event:
- Promoting the CFP and our track
- Reviewing submissions
- Recruiting Speakers (including yourself)
- Helping out at the event
The target audience is Open Source developers, architects, and devOps with the goal of introducing them AArch64 Servers and what that means to them. Some sample topics that we listed in our submission are:
- What are AArch64 servers, and how do they perform against x86?
- What makes them different from x86?
- Who is using them, and what projects are using them?
- Why use AArch64 servers, and what are the advantages?
- How to get started using AArch64 servers
- A comparison of performance between AArch64 and x86 servers, covering topics such as compiling natively versus emulation with QEMU.
Everyone can help with the promotion of the event, so please do that by tweeting, tooting, and posting on your favorite social media platform. You can send them to this URL: FOSSY 2023 | Call for Proposals or to the main FOSSY page:
If you see a tweet/toot, amplify it. Are you a member of a MeetUp/JUG/ other user group/community let them know. Also, check out the other tracks, maybe there is a track that you could also submit a CfP response to. I know that for me, it is usually easier to get travel approval it you are submitting to more than track.