Is there any document on Ampere One?

Is there any document on Ampere One instructions?

I want to know which instruction sets are supported or not.
Especially I want to know neon instrinsics for complex number. (it relates to 5g telecom).
It seems supported on armv8.3.

By looking the gcc code, it seems armv8.6, f16, rng, aes, sha3.

I am also looking the ampere developer document (tuning guide). but these are described in application layer.

Hi @sakaia!

AmpereOne implements the complete Arm 8.6 ISA, with some additions. The documentation of NEON doesn’t include complex number types, and I’m unfamiliar with that myself… I haven’t been able to find a definitive document on exactly which hardware features and instructions beyond Arm 8.6 are supported though - stay tuned, I will keep looking.


Thank you for comment its helpful.

Would you give us a cat /proc/cpuinfo for Ampere One?

I’m sorry, I don’t have access to an AmpereOne server myself.

I did get confirmation though: AmpereOne supports a number of advanced SIMD modules - including FEAT_AdvSIMD, FEAT_AES, FEAT_DotProd2, FEAT_FRINTTS, FEAT_I8MM, FEAT_BF16, FEAT_FCMA (the set of instructions you were asking about), FEAT_JSCVT, FEAT_PMULL, the SHA related feature sets, at least.

Hope this helps!


My table already has Ampere One entry.

/proc/cpuinfo: arm-socs-table/cpuinfo-data/ampere-ampereone at main · hrw/arm-socs-table · GitHub

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